Quartz Sand Mine, Kadus: Teluk Buton Residents Expect Fast Operations

KADUS I Teluk Buton Bujang Abas, next to one of the barren lands of the quartz sand mining area

NATUNA, KABARTERKINI.co.id – The residents of Teluk Buton Village, Bunguran Utara District support quartz sand mining. The form of support is by selling their land to a company that wants to invest in mining in the working area in their village.

“By operating a quartz sand mine, it will boost the economy of the residents of Teluk Buton Village in the future. Moreover, the mining area is not a fertile area but a barren land,” said Head of Hamlet I Teluk Buton Bujang Abas via cellphone, Friday, May 20, 2022.

Possible mining area as a tourism location? According to Abas, the mining area is not a tourism location. Tourism locations in Tanjung Datuk and Pulau Panjang. So it doesn’t interfere with the Natuna tourism object.

“I said earlier that the mining area was purchased by the company, not fertile land. Fruit and vegetable crops cannot grow, and they are not tourism locations,” said Abas.

What is certain, he repeated, is that the residents of Teluk Buton are very supportive of the quartz sand mining company. So that the company can operate quickly, so that it can improve the village economy. Because residents can open stalls and all kinds of things.

“Later when operating, the company promised to recruit 50 native workers from Buton Bay. They will be occupied as security guards, drivers, mechanics and so on. In essence, the residents of Teluk Buton hope that the quartz sand mine will operate quickly,” he concluded. (*andi surya) 


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